“Realisation is not acquisition of anything new nor is it a new faculty.
Ramana Maharshi
It is only removal of all camouflage”

"Happiness is your nature. It is not wrong to desire it.
Ramana Maharshi
what is wrong is seeking it outside when it is inside"

“When one remains without thinking one understands another by
Ramana Maharshi
means of the universal language of silence.”
Retreats, Yoga, Programs & More...
Updates of Project Eye Opener Next phase of Project Eye Opener Appeal Aum Namo Baghavathe Shri Ramanaya! As you are aware an Eye Clinic was held at Saraswathy Illam –…
Women’s Empowerment program to build self reliant business opportunities for young women under the “Ramana Maharshi Livelihood Program” implemented by Saraswathy Illam
This program under which 30 elders and people physically challenged (identified by the respective grama sevakas) were invited to receive their twice weekly Food Rations.
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Ramana Jayanthi function held at the Durga Mani Mandapam in Nallur, Jaffna, on 30th December 2023
Comments from some visitors to the Ashram
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It was my pleasure in attending the three day retreat (February, 2022) in Ramanalayam, Kadduvan. It was a great opportunity to be in the Ramanalayam with Swami Gunatitananda and other brothers and sisters. Since all were focused on the subject ‘That, I Am’, the search within, beautiful discourses by Swamiji and his tireless answers to the questions from the attendees, meditation and services all together made every one of us feel like living in a different (peaceful) world. Moreover, the settings at the Ashram and the environment of Ramanalayam made us more lively. We benefitted in every aspect from the 3 day retreat. I sincerely thank Ramanalayam for giving us the opportunity to share this wonderful experience which is a rare one.
Mr Anantharupan, Colombo, Sri Lanka
I am so glad I joined the retreat that happened in February, 2022. Thanks to Ramanalayam, Sri Lanka for inviting me to this retreat at Ramanalayam in Kadduvan. Being with Swami Gunatitananda was a huge inspiration. The presentation by Swami and discussions with the group were very useful and eye opening. Being with other members of the retreat was great. I was able to draw on their experience and ideas.
Thanks for the management and staff at Ramanalayam for maintaining this beautiful Ashram. The environment and surrounding garden make an ideal place for a retreat. The food was great.
I want to take this opportunity to thank Ramanalayam, Swami Gunatitananda and others who contributed to make this a success.
Mr Sri Haran, Ohio, USA
I am so happy that I attended the three days retreat (February, 2022) in Kadduvan Ramanalayam. The location of the Ashram in a quiet place, landscaped with shady trees and flower trees add beauty to Ramanalayam. A Special thanks to Swami Gunatitananda who conducted the retreat. The discourses and discussions we had with Swamiji was fruitful and educative. My sincere thanks to the management and staff at the Ashram and their dedicated attitude in serving us. The arrangements and facilities provided was excellent, including the food. I wish to thank once again the organizers of the retreat.
Sakthi Arunanthy, Colombo, Sri Lanka
“Namaskaram to All”
I am Sabrina from France. 2 years ago I arrived in the Ramanalayam Ashram in Sri Lanka by the Grace of Ramana. It was such a profound experience, I received the Upadesha from the Wonderful Swamini Sivapriyananda Mataji from Malaysia. My heart was filled with happiness with the connection of Amazing Beauty of Mother Nature and the presence of Ramana was so Powerful there. I stayed for 10 days but the time paused. The experience I had was indescribable with no words to describe. I also visited Jaffna. So grateful to have discovered this Wonderful place of Sri Lanka!
I am very Grateful to all the members of the Ramanalayam Ashram for all their Kindness and Devotion
Aum Namo Bhaghavate Sri Ramanaya
Sabrina Reiss, France
Hi, my name is Meg Neil 🙂
I am from the United States, and grew up in Arizona. I am so glad that God brought the Ramanalayam Ashram on my path. I spent November through January backpacking through Nepal and spent February and March in India pouring into my yoga practice.
Sri Lanka has been so beautiful so far! I feel so welcomed and held and feel very lucky to spend the spring and summer here. I’ve been at the Ashram since the end of March and have helped with various tasks in the garden and kitchen to help the daily activities run smoothly. It is such a lovely little community and energy here, with a quiet that is perfect for the reflecting I was feeling so called to. Beyond the daily activities, it was so nice to participate in the Sunday luncheon this past week as well as attend schools to help pass out the Scholarships as well.
Even though it was the Easter holiday, I got to meet the parents and see some of the kids that were there as well. It was so lovely to see the students’ sweet faces! It may seem like a small thing, but to me it was so impressive that the kids were able to keep calm and quiet without a teacher disciplining them, just enjoying each others company and doing their little tasks. That gave me a small glimpse of the environment there, of the value of learning and the autonomy being fostered. If you have been reading about the things going on at the Ashram for a bit now, you may know about the Scholarship Program offered at schools in the area. Education is such a vital part of community liberation and helping each other to re-integrate fully into life. I feel that this contribution could have such a ripple effect in a child’s life, because not only is it allowing them to fully participate in class and pour into their education, it is setting them up for healthy development for years to come. I look forward to continue to volunteer at the Ashram, keep in touch with all the goings-on, and visit again in the future. Sending you so much love.
Meg Neil ,USA
Dearest Sir,
This is Gajendra Balabaskara from Sydney. I worshipped at Thirukeetheswaram and came on my maiden visit with my father to worship at your Ashram. My father (now 93) was delighted to say the least.
God bless you and your endeavors.
I will be in truly.